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Over the last 3 years, 8 months, I have been working hard for all living in Park County. Please see the list of successes and efforts below. For more detailed information, visit the "issues" tab.

  1. Road Construction Grant Community Project Funding. In 2023, I applied for and was awarded an $850,000 Community Project Funding grant from Congress to be used toward the rebuilding of the access roads to Eleven Mile State Park; County Roads 90 and 92.
  2. Commission on Aging. Since 2021 I have been serving on the Pikes Peak Area Council of Government's Commission on Aging to help seniors successfully live in their home as they age.
  3. Central Colorado Forest Collaborative - Wildland Fire Mitigation. Since July 2023 I have been working with the United States Forest Service and other stakeholders, focusing on Pike National Forest, to develop a comprehensive wildfire mitigation plan to identify and map needed future efforts.  The plan will identify and include private property where mitigation efforts will provide added resilience and then work with willing landowners to gain funding for the effort.
  4. Bailey Connectivity Planning Grant. On March 28 2024, I applied for a $2.2 Million Bailey Conductivity Development Planning Grant through the Congressional Designated Spending program. Applications were sent to both Senator Hickenlooper and Senator Bennet. Both Senators have submitted my request to the Senate Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development Subcommittee for consideration.
  5. Connecting Interested Parties with CSU for Possible New Business. In May 2024, per my request on behalf of stakeholders, our Colorado State University Extension Director organized a meeting with interested stakeholders and myself to discuss the requirements for a meat processing plant in Park County. CSU identified the regulations and requirements needed to establish a processing plant. If this private business effort is successful, it will provide improved market options for ranchers, provide added food security for Park County residents and provide a needed service for ranchers in nearby counties.
  6. Shawnee Cemetery Drainage improvement. It was brought to my attention there were drainage issues at the Shawnee Cemetery and a retention wall was needed to divert water runoff. I worked with the interested parties and Public Works to develop a plan, to find the financial resources and make the needed improvements. I took this issue on because it is a matter of respect for the families and for those who have passed and are buried there, as well as the preservation of this historical record.
  7. Non-lethal Wolf Conflict Reduction Grant. In my effort to help Park County Ranchers, I participate in a monthly update with Colorado Division of Agriculture Director Kate Greenberg, sponsored by Colorado Counties Inc. During our last meeting a grant was introduced to help county ranchers prepare for the eventual presence of wolves, and plan and prepare for needed non-lethal conflict reduction of wolves. This planning grant will benefit all ranchers in Park County. The Central Colorado Cattleman’s Association will apply for the grant, the preparation will benefit members and non-members alike.
  8. Helped to save the traffic light at US 285 and County Road 43A. After I won the 2020 Primary Election, I worked with SAFE-285, a group of concerned residents to lobby CDOT to not remove the traffic light. We worked with CDOT and educated residents and ultimately convinced CDOT to keep the traffic light.

Paid for By: Amy Mitchell for Commissioner
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